As part of the current heart Heart weeks to provide medical facilities throughout Germany at present information sessions on " Coronary Artery Disease "at. The Department of Cardiology of the district hospital Prignitz participating with their own event on the "cardiologist about prevention, diagnosis and treatment of coronary inform heart disease" are. devoted for many years, organized by the German Heart Foundation Heart weeks this year coronary heart disease and its potential consequences "Coronary heart disease is among the most common heart disease," but the disease is often only be taken seriously if they a heart attack has led, says the group Prignitz district hospital. According to the information, the physician affect millions of people in the corresponding narrowing of the coronary arteries. Considerable need for education for coronary heart disease The tricky to coronary heart disease is their insidious, initially inconspicuous course. The first symptoms such as chest pain or chest pain , pain in the chest on, or even a heart attack, the damage to the coronary arteries are usually already progressed significantly. If in doubt, stent implantation or bypass surgery is required. After such an operation believe loud message of the district hospital Prignitz "many patients that they are healthy because they have no complaints." Those affected are not aware "that they are still suffering from a chronic heart condition and change therefore their lifestyle and need to take their medication on time. "Below the significant medical need for education, like the the Department of Cardiology of the district hospital Prignitz fix with their event at the heart weeks. All interested persons, patients and their families were invited to tomorrow, Wednesday (November 21) "on the subject of circulatory disorders to inform our hearts." Many events in the heart weeks comparable event as the district hospital Prignitz are taking place throughout Germany and provide interested parties with an good way to learn about the coronary heart disease. Often, after the planned lectures possible, an exchange or a discussion with the experts. With specific actions that organizations also hope to gain the interest of patients. For example, the Sana Clinics Lubeck GmbH in cooperation with the German Heart Foundation on Wednesday night, a patient seminar, which will be in addition to papers also a blood sugar test and a blood pressure test offered free of charge.
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