Nokia has announced a week ago its map service for Apple's iPhone and iPad made available. According to the entry in iTunes is the final Name Here Maps - and not just "here" ("here"). The app includes Navteq maps and real-time data on traffic flow. Besides maps satellite images are available.
Map sections can also be saved for offline use. Moreover, it is possible to use other on maps noted and also communicate waypoints or points of interest. Here maps for pedestrian stops routing ready with turn instructions. It should also lead by parks and pedestrian areas - an option that is missing many vehicle-based systems.
The app is 3.7 MB in size. It requires iOS 4.3 or later. It also contains the necessary tweaks to the screen of the iPhone 5 to run borderless.
Nokia CEO Stephen Elop had boasted Here last week for openness and personalization. "We want to allow all users regardless of device type, to use the best location-based platform." In the coming months are expected apps for all major mobile operating systems. For Android in the first quarter of 2013, a software development kit will be available.
IOS Nokia obviously tried with Maps Here to take advantage of the dissatisfaction of users with Apple's own Maps application, for which Apple even apologized . A separate app from Google , it was up to the launch of Apple's iOS 6 card partners can continue coming.
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