Teacher Michael K. (33) has it for his role in the sleazy film "Mature Ladies f ***** crisp guys" brought to notoriety. After a student discovered the video on the Internet, Michael K. (33) has been demoted.
In plaid shirt and sweatpants, a teacher in the video sprawled on the sofa. A blonde grabs him in the crotch, to give him a lesson in sex .
This hardcore movie is currently the hit on the playground of the Richard Müller-vocational school in Fulda (Hessen) .
The teacher denied a week, to have played a part in the porn. But according to Michael von Ruden, head of the education department, the film could be found on internet. The Hessian Radio said the office manager: "This means that each student can watch this movie." The evidence was overwhelming, because the teacher was clearly identifiable in the piquant scenes.
He finally confessed all in tears and was immediately suspended from school . In addition, the school district initiated a disciplinary action against him.
21 minutes takes the sex scene in the math teacher Michael K. just one vertrottelten student poses. Goofy he asks his faithful matron, "Mrs. Brewer, where did you get your hand". Before then the going gets tough, the center's director on berlinerisch coos, "Can I also call Heidi."
Lawyer Alexander Friedhoff (43), a specialist in Civil Service Law, "The teacher has a duty conduct. By working in a porn is not a crime, but it damages the reputation of teachers in public.
Returns to his old school, the teacher did not come back. From next week he will put in a neighboring county - at his own request.
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